A menekültválság és a közösségi média - oktatóink a CEU-n adtak elő

2015. december 3-án a TáTK oktatói, Dessewffy Tibor és Nagy Zsófia tartottak előadást a CEU-n a Center for Media, Data and Society (CMDS) szervezésében. Az előadás - "Born in Facebook - the Refugee Crisis and Grassroots Connective Action in Hungary" címmel - a közösségi média, társadalmi mozgalmak és kollektív cselekvés kapcsolatát vizsgálta a magyarországi menekültválság kezelésében aktív szerepet vállaló Migration Aid nevű Facebook csoport esetét bemutatva.

További információ a CEU oldalán

"This talk explores the impact of social networking sites (or SNS) on social movements and collective action. Literature on the subject ranges from celebratory claims to critical stances. However, a more sophisticated approach that conceptualizes ‘connective action’ as opposed to old forms of collective action broadens the theoretical scope. Empirical research that focuses on emergent types of connective action, rather than already existing forms of collective action moving online is necessary. The case of Migration Aid, a Hungarian Facebook-based grassroots relief group that built up a complex relief architecture during the refugee crisis that unfolded in Hungary in 2015, is such an example. In their talk, Tibor Dessewffy and Zsófia Nagy contextualize the group’s activities by exploring how they relate to the broader political environment, and argue for a need to re-examine the concept of contentious politics. Using a multi-method research design, they explore the characteristics that enable ‘connective action’. In particular, they have found that this emerging form of connective action is characterized by the groups’ rhizomatic structure, the adaptive repertoires of action that they coin in the ‘information thermostat’ function, and new modalities of participation."

A témában hamarosan tanulmányt is megjelentetnek a szerzők.

Update: A tanulmány megjelent az International Journal of Communication 2016/10-es számában, és online is olvasható "Born in Facebook: The Refugee Crisis and Grassroots Connective Action in Hungary" címmel.
