Consumer and transportation services
Consumer and transportation services

Bike storage
Near the North building (Északi Tömb) you can leave your bikes outside near the Northern, the Eastern (Danube) or South entrances. You can also place your bike in locked outdoor storage, which must be requested at the Service Desk by the Northern entrance.
ELTE students and staff members need to use the Rollet app (download from Appstore or Google Play store). Staff members can also request one-day entrance for their guests via e-mail: sorompo@elte.hu. The entrance of the parking lot is located at the Southern side of the campus. You can leave the parking lot through the exit on the Northern side of the campus.
There are three snack bars on the Lágymányosi Campus: two in the North Building (Északi Tömb) near the canteen (opening hours: 7:30-18:00, during examination periods 7:30-16:00) and on the first floor (opening hours: 7:30-17:00), and one in the South Building (Déli Tömb), close to the western entrance (opening hours: 7:30-17:30, on Mondays it opens at 8:00 and on Fridays it closes at 15:00).
Campus Faloda is the canteen on the Lágymányosi Campus. You can find it on the ground floor of the North building (Északi Tömb), on the corridor by the northern entrance. The canteen offers hot meals at affordable prices. It opens every day at 11:30.
Students can use a microvawe oven in the Student's Union's Office (North Building basement, room -1.68).