ELTE Workshop In International and European Studies

ELTE Workshop In International and European Studies

30. March 2023. 08:45 - 16:30

ELTE TáTK Faculty Council Room (1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/a, 0.100C) and online


2023. March 30. 08:45 - 16:30

ELTE TáTK Faculty Council Room (1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/a, 0.100C) and online

The Institute of Political and International Studies at Eötvös Loránd University would like to invite scholars in international relations, international law, European studies, EU law, and related disciplines of social sciences both from Hungary and abroad to start an annual workshop series aimed at discussing the actual state and changes of the international order and European integration and the implications of this in political, socio-economic and cultural life.

"The Transformation of the International Order in A Time of Crisis"

About the annual workshop

The institute would like to host a friendly and informal event that will be highly discursive and relevant to topical academic debates and questions, where we could discuss our latest research, and share ideas with scholars from different parts of the world. The organizers intend to choose very broad topics, so that different topics from different disciplines can be discussed. We plan to invite about 15 scholars to our first workshop. The conference will have an opening session with keynote speakers focusing on Europe and the international order and then break into thematic workshops and conclude with a plenary session with workshop report backs and a concluding keynote speaker.

The event will be held offline/online, on MS Teams. (Please click on this link to access the platform.) We very much welcome international participants, who can join online if they wish.

Central issues

The central issue of the first annual conference/workshop is the transformation of the international order. The goal is to analyze changes in a multidisciplinary context. This allows the contributors to interpret the transformation of the international order in the broadest way possible, allowing us to discuss topics such as the development of international trade relations; the transformation of European normative power; war and peace in a contemporary context; or the transformation of democracy, only to give some prime examples.


Draft programme of the workshop

Contact Info

For more information please contact: polir.workshop@tatk.elte.hu

Date & Venue

The event will be held on March 30, 2023 at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Eötvös Loránd University, 1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A. 

The event will be available online via MS Teams as well. Please click on this link to access the platform.

Organizing committee

  • Aliz Nagy
  • Andras Szalai
  • Andrew Ryder
  • Anna Sebestyén
  • Áron Tábor
  • Cansu Şimşek Afide
  • Mau Thuong Vo (Michael)
  • Tamás Dezső Ziegler
  • Thomas Buijnink